So you’ve logged all your concerts into Concert Archives, but now what do you do with all those tickets stubs? If you’re like me, you may have a box or a drawer full of random ticket stubs, guitar picks, and setlists from over the years. Since there aren’t as many new events happening, now’s the […]
All Posts By: Stevie Priller
Songs We Can’t Wait to Hear Live – 7/17/20
Now that it’s been about 4 months since concerts and festivals dried up, we’re building up quite a list of new songs that we haven’t been able to see performed live yet. Here’s a list of great new tunes that we are sooo looking forward to hearing live someday! Romes – “Lose My Cool” Anyone […]
Spotlight on: The Winter Passing [Interview]
This week we chat with Kate from Ireland’s The Winter Passing and get to talk about a lot of our favorite topics at Concert Archives like first/favorite concerts, bucket lists, etc. The Winter Passing just released their second album New Ways of Living on the labels Big Scary Monsters & Counter Intuitive Records. Don’t miss […]
Rock & Roll isn’t “White People Music” Pt. 2
On June 19th, we shared the stories of several Black artists of the 50s, 60s, and 70s who pioneered the genre of Rock & Roll. This week, we’re back with Black artist of the 80s, 90s, and 2000s whose impact on Rock can’t be forgotten or overstated. 1980s Bad Brains In 1976, jazz fusion ensemble […]
Out and Proud: Music for Pride Month
To say there’s been a lot going on this month would be an understatement. However, I can’t let June end without sharing some of my favorite songs by some amazing LGBTQ+ artists. Against Me! – “True Trans Soul Rebel” Back when I was in high school, and first discovering new music on my own (not […]
Rock & Roll isn’t “White People Music”
Rock ‘n’ Roll began to bloom in the mid-1950s and is often described in this stage as a mix between country music and rhythm and blues. Though Elvis Presley has been dubbed “The King (of Rock and Roll),” his success is due to the work of Black musicians before him. The producer who discovered (and, […]
Supporting Black Artists: 7 Bands You Should Listen To
Last week we took a break from our normal posting schedule as to not distract from the anti-racism movement and protests. This week we’re amplifying some of our favorite current Black artists that we think you should check out. Let’s go! Fever 333 I checked out Fever 333 after hearing Jason Aalon Butler (ex-letlive.) talk […]
Concerts in the Age of COVID-19
Over the past few months, my Facebook notifications have been an onslaught of “Cancelled,” “Cancelled,” “Postponed,” “Cancelled.” Thousands of tours and events have been cancelled or postponed due to the spread of COVID-19 and subsequent safety regulations. While many artists have already turned to livestreams, the warming temperatures and relaxing social distancing measures mean to […]
A Chat with Dieter Unrath, Photographer and Merch Manager
“Behind the Show” is an ongoing series where we spotlight the work of people who help make concerts happen! Let us know who we should interview next: [email protected] This week, we talked with Dieter Unrath. Dieter is a photographer and merch manager, who has worked with bands such as Sleep On It, Save Face, and Capstan. […]
The Best Quarantine Streams So Far
Though it’s been a long while since traditional concerts have ceased to exist, it happily hasn’t stopped artists from performing, albeit via the internet. It’s hard to keep up with the bajillion live stream events during the COVID Era, so here’s a short list of our favorites so far! Code Orange – Last Ones Left: […]